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Showing posts from December, 2017
MEMORY A memory is a temporary storage that computers uses to hold data and instructions. One of the most important storage devices is random access memory(RAM), that is  the  fastest way in which data can get to the processor.  Random access memory (RAM) is the temporary storage for data and programs that are being  accessed by the CPU. Non volatile / volatile A volatile memory, lose its data when the computer is  powered off. On  the other hand,  a Non Volatile memory that does not lose its data when switched off. Different types: RAM :  Is one of the most important storage devices,  is a volatile memory, that stores data and programs that are being accessed by the CPU. RAM is a volatile memory. ROM: Read-only memory (ROM)  contains basic instructions for booting the computer and loading the operating system.  ROM, on  the other hand,  is a Non Volatile memory CACHE: Is fast and expensive as well. It is located inside the proces